2020 has become quite the year with the Covid-19 pandemic wreaking havoc throughout the US as it takes the lives of so many. Luckily, the year hasn’t been that bad for us. We are thankful for the flexibility in our retirement lifestyle. Barry and I have been blessed with good health, and have managed a lot of special time with our grandkids throughout the summer. “MovinOn” with our new home-base plans has us celebrating Thanksgiving here at Carefree Village Resort. Originally, Barry and I hadn’t planned to have anything special for Thanksgiving dinner, but then I thought maybe we could do a dinner together with Kelly and Bob Robinson, and Nancie Pagett and Steve. Everyone was a go with the idea, so we planned our OUTSIDE feast. (All Washingtonians!)

YUM! Everything turned out great. Everything followed Keto principles and thus were also gluten free. The turkey was perfect! It was so moist. Nice work, Kelly!! Accompanying the turkey were the hot side dishes of super smooth and creamy cauliflower mashed “potatoes”, warm cheesy bread rolls, and roasted Brussels sprouts complete with crumbled bacon, chopped granny smith apple, and a finish drizzle of a balsamic glaze. Cold sides included a nicely varied “relish” tray. Wickles were a big hit. Bottles of wine, both red and white, adorned the outside table.

Due to the chilly wind, we kept the hot food inside, but no more than 2 or 3 of us were inside at a time to fix our plates. We were able to be socially distanced on our patio. Our fire pit was put into use immediately to provide heat and a little ambiance. Sure helped that we had wind screens up around the patio area. (Thank you, Cheryl!) So glad we decided to have Thanksgiving together like this. It was an awesome evening with friends! (Thank you, Kelly, for keeping my dishes washed so we had work space to finish up the side dishes!)

Dessert came a little later. The KETO pumpkin cheesecake bars were amazing. I also made a few pecan pie bites. We were so absorbed enjoying dessert that I didn’t think to take any pictures. LOL

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