Living with Social Distancing & Staying at Home–RV style

Even with 100 degree temperatures for a couple weeks, we are managing pretty well here in Yuma. Our days begin with getting up about 6 am and having our Bullet Proof coffee. Then I’m off to play pickleball with a few others. Each person has been in the park here since at least March, and… Continue reading Living with Social Distancing & Staying at Home–RV style

Addiction Prompts Creativity

When Covid-19 was becoming a concern in March, we started taking precautions playing pickleball within our RV resort. We kept in our separate groups of about 10 each with whom we rotated play. We had a bucket system for cleaning the balls after each game. There were at least two buckets. One with bleach water… Continue reading Addiction Prompts Creativity

Plan B: Telegraph Pass Hike

We went to Lake Martinez this morning to kayak with Sue & Paul Finney, but when we got there, we all agreed that the wind was a bit too much, especially for our kayaks. It was an interesting area. There were some incredible homes that bordered the lake, but that was it–the rest seemed quite… Continue reading Plan B: Telegraph Pass Hike

Social Distancing Kayaking @ Senator’s Wash

We went out kayaking again today with Paul and Sue Finney. We went to Senator’s Wash north of Yuma. It is on the other side of the road from Squaw Lake where we went last week. There is a dike that separates Senator’s Wash Reservoir from Squaw Lake and access to the Colorado River. It… Continue reading Social Distancing Kayaking @ Senator’s Wash

Desperate Times; Desperate Measures

Covid-19 “Stay at Home” orders are prevalent throughout much of the country. Therefore, most hair salons are now closed. SO today we bought a set of hair clippers and scissors. We watched a couple YouTube videos, and then “jumped in”. I did Barry’s hair starting with the #4 attachment. It was a little scary for… Continue reading Desperate Times; Desperate Measures

New Theater Seating for Vinny!

Finally get to use our Koncept LED light bar!

Barry and I talked quite a bit over the last year and a half.about replacing our couch in Vinny with theater seating. At first it seemed silly to replace the couch since it was still basically new, but my back was hurting every evening after I sat on it a while, even with a pillow… Continue reading New Theater Seating for Vinny!