Barry and I talked quite a bit over the last year and a half.about replacing our couch in Vinny with theater seating. At first it seemed silly to replace the couch since it was still basically new, but my back was hurting every evening after I sat on it a while, even with a pillow behind my back. I was unsure about losing the bonus sleeping space that the air bed provided, but we haven’t had any adult come and spend the night! Barry tried it once when Isaac spent the night. It was not comfortable at all. So we agreed that we would like recliners or theater seating piece, but when we went to a couple of furniture stores in the San Diego area the ones they had that we liked were way too big and bulky. We only have a width of 70″ to work with.
I researched recliners and theater seating. Since Bradd and Hall, the company that seemed to have the best quality along with size and features we want was in Elkhart, Indiana, we would wait till our travels took us to Indiana. I was NOT willing to attempt ordering one online without being able check various models out in person. I want to make sure we get one that fits us both well.
We lucked out! When we were at the Tampa RV Super Show in mid-January, I was so excited to see Bradd and Hall and Glastop in the Exhibition Halls!! We sat in various models. We went to both booths and tested the comfort and functions multiple times to figure out exactly what we wanted. The furniture from both of these companies is made by the Amish in Indiana. Since we were parked on the grounds, we were also able to take a lot of color swatches back to Vinny to see which one would be the best choice. SCORE! Since an exact color match wasn’t possible, we chose a contrasting color to the dinette and driver/passenger seat. The great part is that it has the same distress pattern as the original furniture so it will look like Vinny came with the theater seating. Even though buying theater seating right now was not exactly in our budget, we would get a decent discount ordering at the RV show. If we only used Vinny seasonally, we would wait, but since Vinny is our home, we decided we needed to have what is best for our daily comfort. We placed the order before the show closed for the day! It helped that we were only asked to pay a portion of the cost with the balance due when ready to ship.
Contrasting Desert Tan Brisa Distressed Ultra Leather has the same distressed pattern as the dinette next to it. Looking like it all goes together was extremely important to us.
What we ordered:
Lambright Luxe 67″ Theater Seating w/ Desert Tan Bris Distressed UltraLeather
Upgrade Options:
Electric recliners
Electric headrests (these are amazing!)
Pop-up USB Charging station with Bluetooth wireless charging
Our theater seating arrived this week on the morning of April 2! It came in 5 sections and was so easy to bring into the motorhome and put together. OMG…we LOVE it!! It fits PERFECTLY! I have been sitting in my recliner for several hours for 3 days now and not once has my back ached!! I often moved to the dinette to work on things, but not anymore. We are thrilled with the comfort and function of the upgrade features we selected. SOOOOO worth the money. Vinny feels even more like “home” now! I also prefer the more open living area with our rug centered between the recliners and the fireplace. Win. Win. PLUS our Koncept floor lamp that we brought from home, but hadn’t used it in 2 years is perfect here!! (Shown in last picture below.) No more bright lights up above us. So much better–and it has 3 or 4 brightness settings.
Bonus: This morning, April 4, our coffee table and the original couch were picked up by the couple from CA who bought them from us off Craig’s List. It is so nice when things go this smoothly! They were willing to drive to us in Yuma to get them. It is not easy finding a couch to fit a space of 69-70 inches.