Mona’s New Bike
We bought Mona her first 2-wheel pedal bike for her 4th birthday, but we weren’t able to get it to her till now, OMG…within 15 minutes Mona was riding it beautifully! Balance bikes make for amazing transitions to a pedal bike without the need of training wheels, as long as you get a pedal bike that is known for using measurements specifically for small bodies. Woom is such a company. Yes, they are pricey, but the joy and confidence little ones experience is worth it. (see more specifics on a previous blog “Balance Bikes to Pedal Bikes – No Training Wheels“.)
Isaac was still struggling a bit with his bicycle, so a couple of days later, we asked him if he wanted to try riding Mona’s bike. He did. Mona was happy to let him. Wow! What a difference. He mastered it so fast. You can hear his excitement in the short video clip below, “I can’t believe I’m doing it already. I’m riding a 2-wheel bike with NO Training wheels!” He coasted, pedaled and used the handbrakes really well. There was no turning back. So we asked him if he would like his own Woom bike as an early birthday present.
Since Isaac was at the top of the seat height on Mona’s Woom, we were able to order him the next size up, and in RED. He was thrilled.
It wasn’t long till Mona was as confident on her bike as Isaac was on his.
Mona incorporated riding her bike with additional play. It was pretty cool for us to see her staying on her bike like this. The first video below Mona “works at a Taco Shop” and brings us a free taco when she comes to visit.
Next, Mona talks about ice cream flavors. We didn’t realize at first that when Barry referred to vanilla bean that she took it literally as vanilla ice cream with BEANS on top–yuck.
The four of us would ride our bikes around the RV park, and make sure we visited the dips. The dips were Isaac’s favorite part. Mona was a bit hesitant and cautious with them, but soon Mona realized she could do them just as she had done on her balance bike. In the clip below we are heading back to our site. You will see Isaac pedaling as fast as his little legs will let him as he races Papa. They now coast at appropriate times, and use their handbrakes well. We got the kids each a bike lock and are having them practice with them. We want them to understand the importance of locking their bike up when they “leave” them to play. Just like wearing a helmet, we hope locking the bike will become a habit, instead of only doing it when you THINK there might be someone around who might take it.
Time at their house and their playground.
We tried to help out with childcare and getting Isaac to and from school till school was out in June. A couple times Justin made it home while we were there. Mona enjoyed this special time with her daddy.
Our big “toy box” (black/yellow container) was packed full with a variety of toys/activities that we planned to take with us for when we had the kids at the motorhome, but unfortunately, we left Yuma without it. Since we limit TV time, and they could only bring one toy with them when stayed overnight with us, I went out and bought a couple things for them to play with while at our RV site.
Lite Brite is still around!
I bought a Lite Brite at Target. Isaac and Mona both thought it was cool. They played with it for quite a while, but it got tedious when they decided to fill in EVERY hole. We suggested making an outline of shapes. They could either make one shape together, or make separate shapes, but they were happy filling in every hole for now, and then turning it on to see how it looked.
Mona played with it again where she worked on making a spaceship. She asked for a little help, but she did almost all of it. Unfortunately, I can’t find a picture of it.
Time with books is always a favorite!
Isaac and Mona are both emerging readers, so books really interest them. It’s critical that they realize that they are truly reading! Too many children don’t have hands on experience with multiple books at their level. It is an exciting time of development and enjoyment to watch. I’m glad Barry and I are able to take such an active role in establishing a love of reading.
“Johnny” and Isaac Reading Put Me In the Zoo, by Robert Lopshire:
I love it when Isaac puts his arm around his sister in this next video clip. “More Reading” – From the end of Put Me In the Zoo to A Fly Went By.
Puzzle Time.
Our collection of kid jigsaw puzzles were back in Yuma, but we did have a new USA foam puzzle with us. I got this one to help Isaac and Mona learn a little geography by learning the names of the states, identify states by shape, and of course learn where the states go within the entire USA map, but since we would soon be traveling for 5 months, we hoped they could better follow us and understand a little more where we are.
This puzzle was not a jigsaw puzzle, so no piece “locks” with another
state piece. The foam frame is all you have to help hold the states in place. We used the outline provided for the base. I helped them as needed for the first and second attempt, but soon they were able to do it with very little assistance. Mona really enjoyed doing the entire puzzle by herself.
Isaac and Mona were both amazing at assembling the map – both jointly and separately. Because they would at times fight over a particular state or the last state to finish the map, we decided to maintain custody of the puzzle to hopefully keep the foam states from being torn or lost. Initially, we thought we would use the puzzle when we FaceTimed throughout our trip, but instead, I sent them a paper map to put on their refrigerator and color – track our trip. The map had our trip path drawn on it. I provided our itinerary with it to help them stay current on coloring the map as we traveled. I made a copy for our refrigerator, too. Unfortunately, with school and everything, they weren’t able to incorporate it into an already full routine.
Introduction to miniature golf.
Unfortunately, Pio didn’t have short enough clubs for these guys to use. We only played about 3 holes.
Isaac and Dogs
Isaac seems drawn to large dogs. I don’t know if it is because they tend to be calmer and more docile compared to smaller, energetic, yappy dogs, but I can relate. As a child I was definitely afraid of energetic puppies with sharp teeth and any age dog that was a yappy, ankle biter dog. That’s why we got a beautiful silver-tipped German Shepherd who was almost a year old, Lobo. She was the BEST dog ever!!
(Mona was significantly disinterested which surprised us, but I think an earlier experience at a family BBQ maybe part of it.)
Outside on the RV Patio
Isaac always enjoyed some time building a track for all the cars to race on either outside or inside. Isaac has gotten good at putting the pieces together and taking them apart. Papa always figured a way to secure the raised starting point of the track.
Video: Mona sends cars down the track. Will they make the jump into the “vault” or become “dinosaur meat”?
Time to Get SUPER Dirty
One day after playing a while with their cars and track pieces, Isaac and Mona wanted to set up a car wash as they had done before. One tub for washing, and a second one for rinsing.
However, this time Isaac discovered that taking Mater and Lightning McQueen back to the dirt while they were still wet, and then fully buried them was a lot more fun!
Mona joined in with Chick Hicks.
Next stage of creative play with dirt and water…
These two had the BEST time, and were fully drenched by the end of their science experiments and volcanoes. We had them strip at the door and head directly to the shower. All clothing went into a bag and emptied into our washer.
More Creative Patio Play
Isaac and Mona put together our two patio rockers to create a crib. Isaac was the baby in the crib. It is such a treat to sit nearby where we can watch and hear these two create their own play without being inhibited by our presence.
Helping Nana Make Mini Cheesecakes
I like to have the kids help make things like Mac-n-cheese, cookies, brownies, etc. Before I’ve done it when we just had one of them with us in the motorhome. It is a bit more challenging with both of them helping at the same time with one little step stool. Today we’re making the mini cheesecakes for Papa’s birthday.
Papa’s Birthday!
A Sea Shell Store
Isaac and Mona loved the shells we’ve collected from the many beaches visited over the last few years. Mona “opened” a store of sea shells. I became her best customer.
Isaac and Mona put on a puppet show for Papa and me. They were quite cute.
Inside Time with Baby Lindsay
Isaac also likes to play with the baby.
Mona Shows her Moves!
Artists At Work!
Isaac LOVES to draw. Below is his Sonic the Hedgehog drawing.
Another day he worked on characters from Winnie the Pooh!
Mona likes to color
Sprinkler Fun
Isaac and Mona loved running through the sprinkler at Pio Pico TT RV. They started out fairly cautious, but soon were getting closer and closer to the sprinkler head till they put their hand on it to divert the spray. They had a ball and were drenched to the skin. (Followed by a warm shower and dry clothes.)
Pool time helped us all sleep well.
I found these water blasters that were so easy for the kids to operate. They loved shooting water with them.
Mona is a master kicker!
Pool noodle “horse race”:
Geronimo! A major breakthrough for Isaac. He wants Papa to toss him up and out!
And now one in slow motion!
Then Isaac wanted to go under water more, so he took off his floatie/water wings. He was amazing! Then—he really started swimming.
Isaac is swimming! (Without his floatie/water wings!) He is doing so incredibly well! I can’t wait to see how much growth I can help him make when we spend time together next spring/summer! We didn’t even capture his best efforts today!
Mona swims to Papa with her water wings. I bet she’ll be ready to try swimming without the wings next summer! She will be a strong swimmer.
They love having lunch or snacks at the pool!
Apples and grapes are often part of the lunch or snack. Egg salad sandwiches are Mona’s favorite. I remember when she had a melt down about a year ago when I first fixed them for lunch. It was the word “salad” that she took literally. After explaining what it was and that I was sure she would like it since she had eaten a hard boiled egg the day before, she finally tasted it. Her face lit up with a smile. “Mmm – I like it!” From that point on she asks if we can have egg salad when she is with us.
Below is a short video clip during lunch when one of our weekends was coming to an end.
Don and Jo Richardson and the MAGIC ROCKS
Don and Jo came over to see us before we left, and to see Isaac and Mona. The kids were just getting into their pajamas. Don told them about magic rocks. They each found one. Don said they needed to put them under their pillow that night, but he also gave them each $2 for the magic rocks.
When I got up the next morning this is what I heard from Isaac, “The magic rocks were REAL. Look what we found under our pillows!” “We know they’re real because – Nana-you don’t have any of these.”
During this visit we switched to new sleeping arrangements for Isaac and Mona that gave them each their own space. Plus, we no longer have to unmake our bed to put the latex topper on the floor for them to share! Twin sheets worked great on these self-inflating air mattress pads. Each also got their own lightweight blanket. We can also use these when they visit us in Yuma.
We will always cherish the time we have with these two! Life is too short not to have quality time every chance we get. Thank you Erika and Justin for allowing Isaac and Mona to stay with us as often as possible.