Isaac’s Kindergarten Graduation

June 2, was kindergarten graduation day for Isaac. Papa and I were delighted to attend!

The four kindergarten classrooms had a special surprise for the audience… a special version of “New York, New York” called “First Grade, First Grade”. It was really cute. The beginning was strong and clear, after that it became a little harder to hear all the words.

ISAAC (JAY) PATRICK from kindergartner to FIRST GRADE…

Waiting for the rest of his class to be called one at a time.

We are so proud of you, Isaac! You are going to be an outstanding First Grader!!

With a couple of his kindergarten buddies (Wyatt and Samuel) from his neighborhood.

Next we got ready to go to a celebration party at a local park for all the kindergartners! Pizza, salad, chips, water and cake were provided for everyone!

The kids had a great time playing.

Isaac enjoyed chasing the girls. šŸ™‚

Time to eat.

What a nice celebration for this kiddos! So glad we got to be a part of it. We headed back to the beach for our last night there.


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