The day Barry was going to take me to Abby’s apartment, we planned a day with Barry’s stepmom- Nancy Patrick. She is always a delight to visit.
Category: Travel
6-10-19 Silver Strand State Beach for Barry’s birthday week.
Six months ago I was able to get online and book a full week at the Silver Strand State Beach in the premium front row for us to celebrate Barry’s birthday at the beach! These run about $15 more than the other rows, but makes it worth it having a Class A motorhome so we… Continue reading 6-10-19 Silver Strand State Beach for Barry’s birthday week.
4-10-19 Reconnecting in Tucson
April 10, Barry and I went to Tucson for a quick visit to reconnect with a couple different people. When we sold our Everett house to live and travel full time in our motorhome, our neighbors, Lance and Karolin Windon shared that they had just bought a lot in Oro Valley, AZ. They were having… Continue reading 4-10-19 Reconnecting in Tucson
Lake Havasu City – Jan 2019
We came to Lake Havasu for about a week, not only to check it out, but to connect with a buddy of Barry’s from Boeing – Don Ellington, before heading to the big RV gathering in Quartzsite, AZ. The Lake Havasu Elks Lodge had RV parking and we were able to reserve a spot… Continue reading Lake Havasu City – Jan 2019
Borrego Springs, CA
Barry and I took a drive from Palm Desert to Borrego Springs. We could see the Salton Sea and “Slab City” area, but neither of us had any desire to actually go, and “experience” either of them. YouTube videos were more than enough for me to say, “No, thank you.” For us the draw to… Continue reading Borrego Springs, CA
Checking out RV + Casita Resorts – Indio, CA
Part of our travel journey is to explore what options may be available in the area that we may wish to consider down the line when we want something for a home base. From research I found three resorts worth checking out while here. 1) Desert Shores Resort, 2) Motorcoach Country Club (MCC), and 3)… Continue reading Checking out RV + Casita Resorts – Indio, CA
Palm Springs Tram Ride
Dec 26 may not have been the best day to go to the Palm Springs Tram. We had to park at the bottom-most lot and wait in a long line for a shuttle. Barry and I decided to walk it. It was a lot further than the 1/4 mile someone leaving said it was. It… Continue reading Palm Springs Tram Ride
Palm Springs: With Mel & Dale Butler
Mel was a FABULOUS student teacher of mine when I taught at Oak Harbor Middle School. She was no stranger to us at the middle school since she had been a paraprofessional prior to her student teaching experience. I was honored to have her. Mel is what you dream a student teacher will be! Plus… Continue reading Palm Springs: With Mel & Dale Butler
Palm Springs TT – Dec 2018:
We decided to have an early Christmas with the kids so that Erika and Justin wouldn’t have to fit time with us in on their very busy Christmas Day. Having an early Christmas actually had unexpected advantages. It allowed us to have one-on-one time with them that was not rushed. Nor were Isaac and Mona… Continue reading Palm Springs TT – Dec 2018:
Our 1st Christmas in the RV
Merry Christmas- Palm Desert style!