When Barry and I were here in April 2014 we only had a couple days to do all four of the Disney parks with the park hopper feature. I believe that is why Epcot was not a “favorite” of ours. Yes, I thought the different countries were cool, and luckily they did have a couple… Continue reading Epcot – 2019
Category: Travel
My Birthday – French Quarter Style
We made it to New Orleans, LA (NOLA) today. We are staying two nights at the Pontchartrain Landing RV park. There is a pool with a great view, but since it wasn’t very warm we weren’t likely to try to squeeze in a dip within the time we’re here. It is a decent park within… Continue reading My Birthday – French Quarter Style
Parked at a Casino & Dinner with a Kianu Sister
Nov 25, 2019Today I started out driving as we left the Colorado River TT. It looked like it would be a nice day, but before I knew it we were in thick, dense fog for quite some time! I was shocked by the number of drivers (the majority) who had no lights on. I have… Continue reading Parked at a Casino & Dinner with a Kianu Sister
Nov 25- A SUPER Rest Area- TX
Barry and I happened to make a quick stop at a fabulous “safety rest area” two days ago in Texas. We didn’t come across anymore as modern and spacious…till today. OMG! Today’s rest stop even surpassed that first one! It is easily accessed off I-10 eastbound, Exit 814. Talk about a true roadside rest! So… Continue reading Nov 25- A SUPER Rest Area- TX
Nov 22-24 We’re a Great Team
I am so glad that when we first thought about getting a motorhome we agreed that we would only get one if we BOTH were comfortable driving it. Not only are we both comfortable driving Vinny, we both enjoy it, so we share driving 50-50. This also allows us to have occasional days where we… Continue reading Nov 22-24 We’re a Great Team
Nov 18-20, 2019 Yuma/Tucson
NOV 18We’ve started out on our next travel adventure. First stop–YUMA. We stayed with our friends, Janet and Bob Bockus. How nice that they have room for us to park right at their place–and even plug into 50 amp electric! I walked over to Westwind RV to visit Bob and Denise Filiau. We met Bob… Continue reading Nov 18-20, 2019 Yuma/Tucson
Where to stay in Yuma?
After our night in Winslow, AZ and our stop at the Meteor Crater, we arrived in Yuma, AZ. We were able to “mooch-dock” at Bob and Janet Bockus’s place for the night as shown above. Since we arrived in the early afternoon we took advantage of the daylight to check out both Fortuna De Oro… Continue reading Where to stay in Yuma?
Our First Spontaneous Stop!
Barry and I are planners. Barry spends a lot of time planning out our navigation routes to each of our destinations. Our travel days do not usually include stops along the way. Course we haven’t really had major points of interest that have been along our way…till today. (Helps that we only tend to go… Continue reading Our First Spontaneous Stop!
“Take It Easy” on Route 66
Today, October 14, 2019, we left Albuquerque, NM. I enjoy seeing landscape changes as we drive. Some sites are beautiful…others are quite the opposite. We stopped to “Take It Easy” for the day and night in Winslow, AZ! Of course we had to hang out “Standin’ on the Corner” for a while. 🙂 Written by… Continue reading “Take It Easy” on Route 66
A Day in Sante Fe – Oct 2019
We purposely arrived in Albuquerque a few days prior to the start of the Balloon Fiesta so that we would be able to check out Sante Fe. We considered taking the Rail Runner train from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, but decided to drive to have more flexibility. We may want to stop at Madrid (where… Continue reading A Day in Sante Fe – Oct 2019