A Whale of a Time in Monterey!

MONTEREY BAY WHALE WATCH TOUR AUG 20, 2021 This totally topped off our summer travels!! We saw several bottlenose dolphins while we were still in the bay near the wall of sea lions. Evidently, they haven’t been in the area for a few months. As we headed out into the ocean we found so many… Continue reading A Whale of a Time in Monterey!

Monterey Bay Aquarium-A MUST See!

We pulled into the Monterey Elks on August 18th to stay in an RV site for 5 nights. There are two entrances to the Elks parking lot. The one we entered from, (and left through), had a couple of neighborhood roads with tighter turns, but I think it was better than the other entrance that… Continue reading Monterey Bay Aquarium-A MUST See!

Napa Disappoints

When in Napa…Barry and I figured we’d visit a select winery or two for the true Napa experience. We weren’t planning extensive wine tasting since I rarely drink anymore. We saw a Wine Train advertised. That would be cool, so Barry got online to check it out. Details didn’t matter–there was no availability during our… Continue reading Napa Disappoints

Time Among the Giant Redwoods

We left Howonquet, in Smith River, CA at 6:10 am to ensure we made it through the construction area on 101 PRIOR to the road being shut down completely from 8am – noon. We made it through, but there were a couple additional construction areas where it was one lane at a time, but luckily… Continue reading Time Among the Giant Redwoods

Elks – No Vacancy- Now What?

Enjoying the views on today’s drive… from a cool bridge to nice welcome signs to the water’s edge multiple times. Brookings Elk Lodge RV Park does not take advance reservations. When we were about an hour out I called to let them know we were coming. Unfortunately, I was told they were full and they… Continue reading Elks – No Vacancy- Now What?

South Jetty Adventures

South Jetty adventures began with the drive getting there! Aug 10Barry really got his turn at tight curves, narrow roads, etc. today. I’m so glad I agreed he should go ahead and drive again today. Selfishly, I THOUGHT I’d have some quality time to catch up on the writing of a blog post or two…wrong. … Continue reading South Jetty Adventures

Washington Visit Part 3: Quality Time with a Few Friends

KEEPING MY VISIT LOW KEY:All states have basically opened up from the pandemic, but the world is still dealing with Covid-19 (and new variants). Most people are not wearing masks anymore whether vaccinated or not. I am not vaccinated due to personal concerns of immediate and long term effects, therefore, I need to be careful.… Continue reading Washington Visit Part 3: Quality Time with a Few Friends

A Week at Seaside

THOUSAND TRAILS SEASIDE (TT)Barry planned for us to be at the Seaside Thousand Trails for a week that included the 4th of July, so we could stop by the beach house to spend some time with Grandma Nancy (the first Nancy Patrick. 🙂 ). TT Seaside is one mile from the beach. We scored a… Continue reading A Week at Seaside

Multnomah Falls and 115 Degree Temp w/Best Friends

I was so excited to meet up with Lynne and Eric Ogren – my best friends from Oak Harbor. Barry and I had an incredible visit with them when they lived in Wrangell, Alaska. A few years later when we retired and became full-time RVers, they were our first planned stop in Lewistown, Montana, which… Continue reading Multnomah Falls and 115 Degree Temp w/Best Friends