A Quiet Christmas

December 2021 was our first Christmas in our Yuma home. It was fun to decorate without going overboard. We were keeping everything simple, and equally important – simple to store for the majority of the year. Barry and I agreed we were not going to get each other a present just because it was Christmas.… Continue reading A Quiet Christmas

Quartzsite Rally – Meal Test Run

There are various channels of YouTube RVers that Barry and I follow. Several of them we have met in person. The couple of “The Next Exit”, Bob and Pearl Caddel, recently bought a home a few miles from us in the Yuma Foothills. They have organized a boon-docking get-together in Quartzsite the last three years.… Continue reading Quartzsite Rally – Meal Test Run

Washington Visit Part 3: Quality Time with a Few Friends

KEEPING MY VISIT LOW KEY:All states have basically opened up from the pandemic, but the world is still dealing with Covid-19 (and new variants). Most people are not wearing masks anymore whether vaccinated or not. I am not vaccinated due to personal concerns of immediate and long term effects, therefore, I need to be careful.… Continue reading Washington Visit Part 3: Quality Time with a Few Friends

Washington Visit Part 2: Treasured Time with Abby & Richard

I rode home with Abby after the BBQ and was able to spend about two weeks with her in Shoreline. While she worked from home during the day, I spent most of her work hours playing pickleball at Yost Park (which was only 4 miles away), and running errands.  Before or after dinner we often… Continue reading Washington Visit Part 2: Treasured Time with Abby & Richard