The Next Exit Rally 2022- Opening Weekend

The Next Exit Quartzsite Rally 2022 was a weeklong gathering of RVers in the desert that was organized by Bob and Pearl Caddel of “”. Those who enjoy following Bob and Pearl’s “Next Exit” videos on YouTube applied to be part of the group. We wanted to attend in 2021, but were too busy with… Continue reading The Next Exit Rally 2022- Opening Weekend

A Quiet Christmas

December 2021 was our first Christmas in our Yuma home. It was fun to decorate without going overboard. We were keeping everything simple, and equally important – simple to store for the majority of the year. Barry and I agreed we were not going to get each other a present just because it was Christmas.… Continue reading A Quiet Christmas

Quartzsite Rally – Meal Test Run

There are various channels of YouTube RVers that Barry and I follow. Several of them we have met in person. The couple of “The Next Exit”, Bob and Pearl Caddel, recently bought a home a few miles from us in the Yuma Foothills. They have organized a boon-docking get-together in Quartzsite the last three years.… Continue reading Quartzsite Rally – Meal Test Run