Thank goodness we were able to connect with Janet Hitt and Mike Irons while we were in the Sun City, AZ area! They have a gorgeous home in Sun City West. Their backyard/patio/pool is amazing. Complete with industrial misters! And –WOW! They work!! When Janet and Mike heard our story of our bone dry resort pool, they offered their pool for us to use the next day even though they were planning to go out of town! With the incredible 112 degree heat that we were not remotely acclimated too, we took them up on their offer. They came home early and we had another fun visit. Can’t believe how much we laugh together. Janet and I were also all excited to discover we both are doing Keto eating! We began sharing recipes. 🙂
Janet & Mike’s backyard pool! BBQ area Life in paradise! Soothing waterfall feature
Our friends, Naomi and Danny Murphy had told us about the Phoenix Musical Instrument Museum and that we had to go see it. We asked Mike and Janet if they had been to it. Beings they are both amazingly talented musicians, I figured they already had been. To our luck and surprise they had not made it there yet, so we planned to go together. OMG! What an incredible place!!!